Spline Objects

Type Field Units (values) ;SPMnbsp;
int object_code O_SPLINE 3
int sub_type T_OPEN_NORMAL 0
common fields
int forward_arrow, 0: no arrow ;SPMnbsp;
;SPMnbsp; backward_arrow 1: arrow ;SPMnbsp;
The Spline object description has a <#590#>points line<#590#> following any arrow line which has the same format as described above for the Polyline object description. If the <#591#>sub_type<#591#> of the spline is <#592#>T_OPEN_INTERPOLATED<#592#> or
<#593#>T_CLOSED_INTERPOLATED<#593#>, then an additional <#594#>control points line<#594#> follows the points line. The line consists of a sequence of coordinate pairs, two coordinate pairs for each point in the points line. Note that whereas the points line contains integers, the control line consists of floating point numbers.
Type Field Units (values) ;SPMnbsp;
float #math153##tex2html_wrap_inline2897#,#tex2html_wrap_inline2900#,#tex2html_wrap_inline2903#,#tex2html_wrap_inline2906# pixels ;SPMnbsp;
The interpretation of Spline objects is more complex than of other object descriptions, and is discussed in section~#s:splines#618>.